Supporting Grieving mothers

through Infant Loss

The Finley Project® offers compassionate support to mothers grieving infant loss, providing empathy, understanding, and tangible assistance to help them find comfort and strength through their healing journey.


The Finley Project is the nation’s only 7-part holistic program that supports grieving mothers physically, emotionally, and spiritually at no financial cost to them.


We are committed to providing care for mothers who have experienced the unimaginable - the loss of an infant. Each year, our goals are to:

Our goal is to expand our free 7-Part Holistic Healing Program to more grieving mothers, advocate for OB Hospitalist Programs to improve childbirth safety, raise community awareness about the impact of infant loss, and provide volunteer support for mothers on their healing journey.

How you can help.

  • Meal Delivery

    7 days of groceries.


  • Professional House Cleaning

    A full home professional cleaning.


  • Sponsor a Mom


  • Massage Therapy

    Two sessions


  • Live Again Retreat

    Empower people affected to find hope.


  • Licensed Mental Health Counseling

    12 sessions


“Finley’s brief life came to an end on August 16, 2013, after a medical malpractice incident during birth. As a loss mom, I started The Finley Project to fill the need for holistic healing after losing a child….”


I've been there, so I understand.
I made it, and you can too.


Just 22 days after her daughter's birth, Noelle Moore-Fernandez tragically lost her first child, Finley Elizabeth. Feeling a gap between hospital care and home support during her grief, she was inspired to take action on a calling from God.


The Finley Project invites you to support a grieving mother through our “Sponsor-A-Mom” Program. For $1,800, your sponsorship provides a mother with funeral planning assistance, meal gift cards, house cleaning, massage therapy, mental health counseling, support groups, and guidance from a Volunteer Coordinator. Donors will receive updates on how their contribution impacts the healing journey of a Program mother.

  • $93,000+


  • 1,000+


  • 5,000


  • 1,000+


  • “Thank you again so much for finding such an amazing counselor...

    Kelly has helped beyond my exceptions. I wasn’t able to leave the house, or hear a child cry. Day to day activities were so hard. My 12 sessions have reached an end, and I know I still have so much work to do with my grief... Kelly did recommend that I stay in therapy, because I have so much to work on. Thank you again for all your help. I cannot thank you enough.”

    - Jennifer C.

  • "Having a clean home is so nice. It is hard finding motivation to clean, but specifically.... in the nursery.

    One of the cleaning ladies, who has been cleaning since the 1st visit, offered to mop and dust in my baby Lincoln’s room today. It made my heart so happy! I got to show off his room and pictures. It made me burst with pride getting to talk about our Lincoln. She really went above and beyond! Walking inside my house from getting my daughter, it smelled so nice and fresh! After dreading Mother’s Day this last week leading up to it & the lack of motivation for anything, my house greatly suffered. Having one less thing to worry about is such a relief! Thank You Thank you. Love you, Noelle!”

    -Ashley S

  • “Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your project!

    I have been touched in a special way!!! Every gesture, phone call, prayer, and thought is greatly appreciated! Although this happened and has changed my life forever, just being able to relax and have a moment to myself while being pampered was amazing! Anything I can do to help others who are in our shoes, just let me know!"

    -Akera P

  • "The therapist you put me with has been a tremendous help...

    ...she not only is focusing on the traumatic events but also me as a person. So I thank you very much for that. This really has been an amazing help with moving forward.” 

    - Sara E.

  • “Thank you so much for scheduling a massage for me...

    …I didn't even realize how much I needed it. I really appreciate the counseling with Chris, too. It is my lifeline every week and I am so grateful to have a safe place to talk and not feel crazy.”

    - Tiffany W.

  • "This program is phenomenal in supporting mothers that have lost their infants ...

    …and helping them deal with all the pressures that life brings right after. I lost one of my twins at 6 days and was overwhelmed with sadness and shock. The program is set up to assist after you come home and deal with things on your own. Although the nurses were compassionate, that was temporary and they weren't coming home with me. I give thanks to Noelle because she realizes women need that extra hand after all is said and done. One can't imagine how life changes after a loss unless you've lived through it like Noelle. And starting this program was a blessing to all that would go through this in the future. Again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for just caring. You've helped more than you can imagine.”

    - Kerri C .


Recognized for Transforming Grief into Support

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